Thursday, March 15, 2007

Good morning : )

pppsssssttt. Hello. Good morning. Well, at least it's morning now, as I'm writing this. The sun is just coming up as little ice balls pelt my window.tink..tink..tink..
It's still dark in my bedroom. Ally is in the shower, and Lauren is still asleep, dreaming of Narfs.
I've just finished reading my Bible passage for the day, I will post Day #2 this afternoon. I have to get the girls ready for school, and then I must get ready. Joe and I are going to a restaurant auction today. It's a Mcdonald's auction. It's a nasty day for an auction. Joe will bribe me with good coffee so I don't complain as we stand in a crowd and bid on.. mcsomething?? What does he want from a Mcdonalds Restaurant?? Mcnugget makers? Mcflurry Machines? Mccrazy!
So...I guess I better start getting ready... The girls have to leave for school by 7:30 am, and then we have to leave by 8:30 am. It's going to be cold and wet and not fun. I don't have a raincoat.. Do you? Does anyone wear a raincoat anymore?
Okay..have a good morning. I'll see you this afternoon, when we get back.
Peace out. Stay warm. Susan

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