Thursday, March 27, 2008


I have two get togethers with two different friends tommorow! In the morning I am meeting my friend Fred, whom I met while on jury duty a few months ago! We are meeting @ Steamers coffee house for a cup of Java and some chatting. Fred is a financial advisor, and I am going to pick his brain for some $ advice!!

Tommorow night, my beautiful friend Karen Lee Jameson and I are having dinner together and we will most likely close the restaurant and still continue talking...

I have a few favors to ask you, dear reader.

Please add a few prayers to your talks with God. Joe's dad is in the hospital again. He just progressively gets worse, and soon he will just run out of breath, even with oxygen. Please pray for Joe, since he is his dad's main caregiver. He has a lot on his plate, and needs your support.

I have been talking about it for so long, but I am feeling very strongly, that now is the time to stop working at the restaurant and begin concentrating on this business venture that I've been working on. Please pray that we find someone to replace me, and also that I receive God's wisdom and guidance and discipline in this new venture of mine. I will need His strength to go through with this.
Thanks friends! I hope you have an amazing day or evening or night, depending on when you are reading this!!

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