Tuesday, March 06, 2007

A little lunch and a little networking!

I'm having lunch today with Janyce Cain who is founder of Teen Fusion Ministries www.teenfusion.net and also works for the freq 107,

A great Christian radio station! She's an AMAZING Christian woman and leader. I can't wait to talk with her and delve into her brain! In this area there do not seem to be too many Christian leaders that are women (especially ones that started their own ministry), so when I come across one, I try to learn as much as I can from them.
Also, if I can get time tonight, I've got to post to you a bit of a conversation I had with a wonderful artist, who painted the Underground. She is coming to our Ladies night.. (It's ladies night...and I feel all right..oh, it's ladies night...Oh what a night!!) this Wednesday, so if you come, you'll get to meet her!
Out.. for now... Susan

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